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conditions in which authoritarian states emerged

It's obvious to usnowthat the rise of authoritarianism, including fascism, was paving the way for leaders in many countries to command the obedience of whole populations, even when these leaders began to order the killing of civilians. that a minimum of three authoritarian states should be studied. -Must give jobs to men Discuss with reference to two authoritarian states. A fascist regime is a government that embraces extreme nationalism, violence, and action with the goal of internal cleansing and external expansion. 81 - What was Castro's early ideology based around? Vietnams leaders, for example, responded to the countrys first confirmed infections as early as January, imposing travel restrictions and quarantines with a speed that made it a textbook case of an effective response to the public health emergency. A third phrase promoting the "chosen leader" view in the contemporary political context is perhaps the most dangerous, and that is the idea of an "end-time judge" who declares what is good . Mussolini, founder of the Italian National Fascist party, was among the first to experiment in this way. David has worked for two academic journals, Posted 2 years ago. Evaluate the treatment of religious groups and minorities in two authoritarian states, each chosen from a different region. - DEPENDANT GERMANY Italy became increasingly more dependant on Nazi Germany --> Germany supported when League of Nations tried to oppose their aggression 2. Amy Elizabeth Robinson is a freelance writer, editor, and historian with a Ph.D. in the History of Britain and the British Empire from Stanford University. The Rise of Democratic and Authoritarian POST - States: the Case of The state decided who was an enemy quickly, arbitrarily (randomly), and irreversibly. The Italian foreign minister, Antonio Tajani, said he also disagreed with Lus comments. These failings are likely to have negative long-term consequences for these regimes. Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region. (May 2009), Compare and contrast the domestic policies of Hitler and Stalin up to the outbreak of the Second World War. Authoritarian States: Hitler - OUR DP HISTORY CLASS WITH MS. CHENEY During this time, about one-third of the Communist Party's three million members were killed. We call these characteristics fascism, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism. The skim should be very quick and give you the gist (general idea) of what the article is about. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. In this way, militarism and imperialism broadened Fascism's appeal. Winston Churchill said the war left a crippled, broken world., TEXT ON SCREEN: Six people died. In Iran, in late February as the coronavirus began spreading through the country, Shia clerics vociferously resisted government demands that major shrines be closedan encapsulation of the power of the countrys religious establishment. 81-82 - What events and influences caused him to adopt an increasingly Communist position? In this way, the imperialist thinking drove Italian policy in more radical directions. Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels planned to win over those who were still unconvinced. What are two of the ways Fascism took shape in the Po Valley? So was the number of parties and splinter groups vying for votes. It was a cataclysm that darkened the worlds view of humanity and its future. These questions will help you get a better understanding of the concepts and arguments that are presented in the article. I dont see them either. In Tanzania, which has not published nationwide figures relating to the coronavirus since May 8, President John Magufuli insisted that the country had defeated the virus through prayer. Discuss (a) the ideology of, and (b) . The governments of Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burundi, Eritrea, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Nicaragua, Russia, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Zimbabwe, for example, have displayed serious shortcomings in confronting the coronavirus, shortcomings that often reflect core features of their authoritarian governance. Discuss with reference to two authoritarian leaders. READ: Fascism in Italy (article) | Khan Academy 88-89 - What other external threats existed? 2023 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. In 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia, and used similar harsh tactics. 'The conditions in which authoritarian states emerged were mainly determined by. The EU is an important trading partner for China as it reboots its economy after three years of zero-Covid. 4.1 The emergence of the authoritarian state in Germany, 1919-1934 164 4.2 Hitler's consolidation of power, 1934-1935 183 4.3 The aims and results of Nazi policies 210 . Political Instability. Effective national public health responses to the pandemic require not just clear, consistent mandates from the top, but integrated approaches in which regional and local authorities can take initiative, adapt responses to local conditions, and report critical information up the line. Now that youve skimmed the article, you should preview the questions you will be answering. Furthermore, Mussolini brought discipline to the party and aligned it more uniformly with the aims of the state. In some ways, their actions were like experiments, pushing the boundaries of authoritarian rule to see what they could get away with. This article details some of those experiments. READ: Fascist Histories, Part II - Exercising Authoritarianism Despite Nazi terror and brutal suppression of their opponents, many German citizens willingly accepted or actively supported these extreme measures in favor of order and security. Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system. And Chinese leaders are working to dilute the liberal norms and erode human rights protections that are . Authoritarian leaders revel in projecting an image of strength. How successful was Castro's domestic policy in meeting his aims for Cuba? Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region. We engage geography's longstanding debate on what "counts" as resistance by introducing slow resistance to account for temporal-political strategies against unjust developments, particularly under authoritarian conditions. The use of force was the most important method used to maintain power in authoritarian states.. The independent sovereign nations that emerged after the fall of the former Soviet Union "don't have effective status under international law because there is not an international agreement . -Massive public spending reduced unemployment. Certainly, Mussolini and the Fascists saw ethnic minorities as impediments to the creation of a purely Italian state. (Nov 06), To what extent was the rise to power of either Hitler or Mao due to personal appeal and ability? Discuss with reference to one authoritarian state. The Italian, German, Japanese, and Soviet authoritarian efforts in the 1920s and 1930s had their differences. Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system David Eacker is a Ph.D. student in History at Indiana UniversityBloomington. -November criminals - stabbed in the back. How were German and Italian justifications for expansion similar? Italian fascism emerged in the economic crisis of the 1920s and 1930s. (May 10 TZ2), In what ways, and to what extent, was propaganda important in the rise and rule of Hitler? The projection of national power overseas resonated with many Italians. Why do you think so many people in Italy, Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union embraced fascist or authoritarian ideologies and actions, even those that were violent and repressive. Royal, colonial and authoritarian legacies in Myanmar - ResearchGate This resulted in the Great Purge of 1936-38. One senior EU diplomat said the EU needed to do better in handling relations with China and find a unified line. Beijing has insisted it respects the status of the independent nations that emerged from the USSR after totally unacceptable remarks by Chinas ambassador to France questioning the sovereignty of former Soviet states sparked outrage in EU capitals. Methods used to establish authoritarian states: persuasion and coercion; the role of leaders; ideology; the use of force; propaganda. He used the jail time to dictate his political ideas in a book,Mein KampfMy Struggle. (May 2006), Analyse thenature and extent of internal opposition and the methods used to deal with this opposition by Stalin, Evaluate the contribution to the rise to power of Hitler of each of the following: National Socialist ideology; the use of force; economic crises. Authoritarian states DO NOT emerge in times of peace and prosperity. - DAMAGEdamages relationship with France and Britain How were the Italian, German, Japanese, and Soviet authoritarian efforts in the 1920s and 1930s similar? (Nov 2009), Analyse the methods used and the conditions which helped in the rise to power ofoneruler of a single-party state. While downplaying more extreme goals, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party offered simple solutions to Germanys problems, exploiting peoples fears, frustrations, and hopes to win broad support. But it is likely to contribute to the significant authoritarian shakiness that has made itself felt over the past decade. Consolidation and maintenance of power. Now that youve skimmed the article, you should preview the questions you will be answering. Russia/USSR - Lenin ItalyMussolini GermanyHitler USSRStalin ChinaMao Emergence of authoritarian states Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system The French president caused anger and alarm when he said Europe needed to avoid getting drawn into a US-China conflict over crises that are not ours, namely the status of Taiwan. German imperialism was long based on a theory of colonial growth, called. To what extent did the structure and organization of government in Germany between 1933 and 1939 contribute to Hitlers maintenance of power? Still, Fascism in Italy was not without racism. All nations have an official type of government as designated in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook. In a complex, changing, and increasingly contested world, the Carnegie Endowment generates strategic ideas and independent analysis, supports diplomacy, and trains the next generation of international scholar-practitioners to help countries and institutions take on the most difficult global problems and safeguard peace. They did not use race. HL/SL: World History topic 10: Authoritarian States (20th Century) In the aftermath of World War I, Germans struggled to understand their countrys uncertain future. Before the onset of the Great Depression in Germany in 1929-1930, the National Socialist German Workers' Party (or Nazi Party for short) was a small party on the radical right of the German political spectrum. This created famine conditions. 'Chosen Leader' Theology Is Destroying Democracy (Nov 10)), Analyse the circumstances that helpedoneright-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Asked if China stood behind the envoys remarks, the foreign ministrys spokesperson Mao Ning said China had been one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with former Soviet states. The post illustrates what we call organic online politics, or forms of digital mobilization that grow from specific rural conditions, material concerns, and repertoires of resistance.In advancing this concept, we argue that online politics are shaped not only by authoritarian repression and national political trajectories, but also by rural communities and their histories. (May 07), It was personality and not circumstances that brought rulers of single-party states to power. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Public domain. A rising authoritarian wave. Building Civil Society In Authoritarian China Importance Of . (May 08 TZ2), Analyse the methods used and the conditions which helped in the rise to power of one ruler of a single-party state. What followed soon after were two devastating wars. There, tensions over pay and work conditions had put landowning farmers in conflict with Socialist-backed workers. 83 - How did Castro deal with Lanz + Urrutria, and how did this reflect on him as leader? He used authoritarian tactics to solidify communist control of the Soviet Union. 1.) The new governments first targets were political opponents. The EUs top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said the bloc would reassess and recalibrate our strategy towards China, adding that foreign ministers would discuss Lus statements as part of planned EU talks on China on Monday. -Tried to limit Hitler's powers as chancellor in 1932. But we can also see similarities in the ways that they emerged. Hitler: Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: best of - Quizlet To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. In recent months, countries such as Algeria, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Russia, Thailand, and Uzbekistan have passed so-called fake news laws related to the pandemic that criminalize criticisms of their governments responses to the public health emergency or even reporting of pandemic conditions that does not match the governments preferred narratives.

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conditions in which authoritarian states emerged